Winners in the ring and in the pail
Reference Bucks
Photo Courtesy of Cheryle
Moore-Smith  of Old Mountain Farm
Photo Courtesy of Valerie Russell
Ciesynski of Piddlin Acres
PGCH Woodhaven Farms Touchdown

Sire: Woodhaven Farms TKO
_SS: MCH Stardust Knickerbocker E
_SD: MCH/PGCH Flat Rocks Opal 4*D E
Dam: Woodhaven Farms Zesta
_DS: Woodhaven Farms Fat Chance
_DD: MCH Woodhaven Farms Eunice

Show Record

AGS    - 1 X Grand Senior Champion
NDGA - 1 X Junior Grand Champion
3 X Senior Grand Champion

We have two of his daughters and really miss
this guy!  He was our first buck!  Father of  
Gooseberry and Tsunda.
Desertnanny BR Spirit Horse E *S, *B

Sire: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S , +B,
87 VG
_SS: Twin Creeks WB Hero Of The Day *S
_SD: Caesar's Villa STS Bam-Bam

Dam: Desertnanny Icy Bluetailfly 3*M , 88 VG
_DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot +*S
_DD: Desertnanny SJ Sevenfeathers 2*D, 2*M

Show Record

No show record

Linear Appraisal
2012 - 87 +E E   (Very Good)
2015 - 90 V E E  Excellent
NC Promiseland Hs White Cloud S   

Sire: MCH Promisedland CP Holy Smoke S
_SS: MCH Caesar’s Villa CBS Cowpoke + S E
_SD: MCH/PGCH Flat Rocks Opal 2*D E
Dam: Caesar’s Villa GD Zippy 3*D
_DS: Goodwood Cimmaron Giddyup +S
_DD: ARMCH Caesar’s Villa Zesta 2*D

Show Record

No show record

Owned by Jena Williams

Father of Rosie and Blossom
Sunrise Farm O Jeez Its Paulo

Sire: Woodhaven Farms Latigo
_SS: Woodhaven Farms TKO
_SD: Woodhaven Farms Shaula Parker
Dam: PGCH Woodhaven Farms Ok Doe Kay E
_DS: Tin Acres Blue Dazzler
_DD: Woodhaven farms Meghan VG

Show Record

We have 3 of his daughters and love them all.
Blackberry, Flora and Chii
PromisedLand JP Full House  (Fuller) *S

Sire: PromisedLand S Jackpot
_SS: MCH Maple Tree Knoll Snickers E
_SD: Caesar's Villa GD Zippy 3*D
Dam: PromisedLand LD Purr-Fection 3*D
_DS: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck ofthe Draw
+*S E
_DD: MCH Gay-Mor'a LR Kitty's Meow 2*D E

Show Record


Linear Appraisal
Pecan Hollow C American Pride E

Sire: Pecan Hollow SFB Constantine *S
_SS: Twin Creeks BW SanFranciscoBay *S
_SD: Pecan Hollow Creme-D-Mint
Dam: MCH/CH Pecan Hollow Americus, 3 X Best
_DS: Pecan Hollow American Idol *S
_DD: MCH/PGCH Pecan Hollow Savannah *D

Show Record

No show record

AGS Classification
2012 -  91.2  Excellent
Dill's FH Card Shark *S

Sire: PromisedLand JP Full House *S
_SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw
+S E
_SD: Caesar's Villa GD Zippy 3*S
Dam: MCH Gay-Mor's LR Kitty's Meow 2*D E
_DS: Piddlin Acres Lies & Rumors +*S
_DD: Gay-Mors RA Kitty *D AR1520

Show Record

No show record

Linear Appraisal
2009  N/A
Prairie Wood Huckleberry *S VVE (Blue

Sire: MCH/CH Lost Valley KW Orion *S
_SS: Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood ++*S
_SD: MCH Lost Valley RTW Madison 3*D
Dam: Prairie Wood Player 1*M*D
_DS: Kaapio Acre's BT Racketeer +*S
_DD: MK Ephrath OB

Show Record


Linear Appraisal

2010  V V E  86 (Very Good)
Vista's FS  Dusty the Cowboy (Blue
Eyes) 87 VG

Sire: Flying Moons BB Sinatra
_SS: Desertnanny Icy Blue Bolt *S
_SD: Wood Bridge Vo De Oh Doe V E E V  89
(Very Good)
Dam: Eagle River HB Sakura 90.3 E
Permanent Score
_DS: Ain't Misbehaven P. Mononoki E E E V  89
(Very Good)  Permanent Score
_DD: MCH Goodwood KW Dallas +*S E

Show Record
No Show Record

Linear Appraisal
2011 - + E E 86 (Very Good)
Piddlin Acres BRS Ubet UrBoots +

Sire: Piddlin Acres Bo's RockStar *S
SS: Dill's XM Bo Didley *S
_SD: MCH Piddlin Acres PV Tansy *D

Dam:MCH/CH Piddlin Acres V  Tessa's Boots
DS: Piddlin Acres WB Viagra*S E
_DD: Piddlin Acres Contessa de Rojo VG

Show Record
No Show Record

Linear Appraisal
Poppy Patch Little Bit of Good  (Sold)

Sire: Poppy Patch Sailaway W/Mehoney 85
_SS:Alegedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *B
_SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey

Dam: CH Poppy Patch Razzle Dazzle Em 87
_DS: Alegedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *B
_DD: Poppy Patch Puttin' On Theritz  84 V+V+

Show Record
No Show Record

Linear Appraisal

2017-  N/A